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Helping children to develop mental strength and resilience

Referent: Termin: Teilnahmegebühr:

Igor Ardoris

In englischer

04.04. - 05.04.2025
Fr 14 - Sa 16 Uhr
€ 360,-
€ 320,- für MEG-Mitglieder

This workshop is about helping children to develop confidence and inner safety and developing their ability to recover physically and mentally after facing challenges and difficulties.

Children, like adults, become strong by learning to feel confidence and inner safety regardless of how disturbing the environment is. This ability can be developed through deliberate physical and mental training. Through the two simple principles presented in this workshop, both you as an adult, and children and adolescents also, can develop their ability to relax, recover physically and mentally, and build inner security and safety. The first most important step begins with yourself!

All learning and development of human abilities is based on our brains and nervous systems ability to change. It is based on the plasticity of the human brain. During childhood, this ability of our brain is at its peak. 

Children learn new things and develop abilities, seemingly without much effort. If you have daily contact with children (as a parent or in the role of preschool teacher, teacher or sports leader) and if you also are interested in finding ways to help children and adolescents to develop their mental strength and resilience, you are very welcome to participate in this workshop."

Fr 14 - 21 Uhr
Sa 9 - 16 Uhr

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Über Igor Ardoris:

Igor Ardoris is the founder of Budo Mental Training—mental training for dealing with difficult situations. He is a mental trainer, writer, lecturer and educational consultant. Since 2007, Igor has trained elite athletes, teachers, police officers, ambulance attendants, business leaders, etc, how to remain calm and balanced in stressful situations. Igor has direct experience in high-risk situations: He competed in elite-level martial arts since his early teens and worked as a nightclub bouncer; but, above all, through being a civilian and vulnerable young man in the middle of the Balkan civil war. These experiences have motivated him to devote most of his adult life to studying, understanding, and developing the skills to manage the human psyche under stressful and frightening circumstances.